I Don’t Care

These days, everyone seems to have an opinion about everything, and they’re not shy about sharing it. It can get pretty tiring, especially when people argue over things that don’t matter much to me.

Social media feels like a giant spittoon for negativity. People come together to share their thoughts, but when they don’t agree or don’t get the validation they want, things get ugly.

There’s a big divide between the right and the left now. Families and friends are torn apart over differences, staring each other down instead of supporting one another. Christians are getting a lot of hate, and there’s confusion over gender identities. Entitlement is everywhere, arguments are constant, and some moms are losing their kids by choice. People think love means you have to accept everything, and if you don’t, then you must not love them.

But for me, I just don’t care.

If you choose to stay in the dark after seeing the light, I don’t care.

If you reject my beliefs because they’re not yours, I don’t care.

If you want equal treatment but don’t give it, I don’t care.

If you throw hateful words my way because of my choices, I don’t care.

While the world spins in chaos and everyone’s shouting, I find peace in not caring. Not because I’m indifferent, but because I choose peace over conflict, light over darkness. My heart stays steady, rooted in truths that don’t need anyone else’s approval.

In a world full of noise and clashing opinions, I stand quietly in the calm. It’s not the noise that shapes me, but the silence of knowing who I am and the unwavering love that guides me. And that, I care about deeply.


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